Julian Reschke, greenbytes

Current Status

Since IETF 121 - draft 07 (Dec 2024): almost all non-editorial issues resolved.

Since IETF 121 - draft 08 (Feb 2025): lots of examples, editorial fixes, Range Requests (nothing special for QUERY)

Almost ready for Working Group Last Call?

Recently Fixed

On Github:

Maybe To Do?

#3004: QUERY: use GET params for a (stored) query?

If we do...:

QUERY /lookup/?x=y HTTP/1.1
...header fields ommitted...

Find something that contains $x.

That is: the actual query is defined both by the payload and URI query parameters.

And if that is the case, what does it mean for the resource identified by the Location response header field:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Location: /stored/42
...other fields and payload ommitted...

Would that mean that the GETtable query operation incorporates the parameter x?

GET /stored/42 HTTP/1.1
...header fields ommitted...

Or would that resource accept (and understand) the same URI query parameters, making that a parametrizable stored query?

Yes? No? It depends on media type? It's an agreement between client and server?

In any case, we probably should talk about that in the spec.