About Us

The HTTP Working Group (a.k.a. HTTPbis) is part of the IETF, an internet standards-setting organization.

Our mandate and scope of work is outlined in our charter.

You can learn more about participating in the IETF by reading The Tao of the IETF.


We meet face-to-face at most IETF meetings, and sometimes hold additional “interim” meetings; related materials from past and upcoming meetings can be found in our meeting materials repository.


As with all IETF Working Groups, almost all discussion and decisions are made on our mailing list. Joining this list is “joining” the Working Group, and is the best way to participate.

You can track our current efforts on this site, as well as in our github repositories.

ALL contributors and participants in the Working Group (i.e., on the mailing list and in physical meetings) MUST read and understand the ​NOTE WELL statement.

See our contribution policy for details of how to contribute to HTTP.